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Endo Projects


Endo Projects

Commencement date

September 2023



About Endo Projects

Endo Projects is a leading company specializing in the sale, maintenance, and repair of all brands and types of endoscopes and their accessories. With a strong focus on quality and a wealth of experience in the endoscopy industry, Endo Projects distinguishes itself as a reliable partner for medical professionals and institutions relying on high-quality endoscopic equipment. In the rapidly evolving world of technology and business innovation, Endo Projects takes a leading position with a visionary approach to transforming customer interaction.


Endo Projects

Commencement date

September 2023



About Endo Projects

Endo Projects is a leading company specializing in the sale, maintenance, and repair of all brands and types of endoscopes and their accessories. With a strong focus on quality and a wealth of experience in the endoscopy industry, Endo Projects distinguishes itself as a reliable partner for medical professionals and institutions relying on high-quality endoscopic equipment. In the rapidly evolving world of technology and business innovation, Endo Projects takes a leading position with a visionary approach to transforming customer interaction.


We have executed a website redesign for Endo Projects with a new, fresh look and more dynamic elements. For the webshop, we implemented Shopify. A unique aspect of the Endo Projects website is the addition of an AI chatbot.

Old version

The previous iteration of the website was stagnant and non-responsive, lacking the adaptability needed for modern users. Its outdated design hindered user engagement and failed to meet contemporary standards.


The revamped website embodies innovation and user-centric design. With dynamic responsiveness and a modern aesthetic, it provides an enhanced user experience, featuring intuitive navigation pathways and improved accessibility features to cater to diverse user needs.

Integrated and Personalized Webshop Experience

The task was to make the webshop accessible only to approved customers. Customers can register on the website but need to be approved by Endo Projects themselves.

The webshop is divided into 2 classes, where customers can view certain products depending on their position and rights. For example, a nurse has access to a limited number of products and must order other products via an order form. On the other hand, a sales manager or supervisor has access to all products and prices.

Endo projects webshop no permissions


Endo projects webshop all permissions



Also, various forms have been implemented, such as repair/depannage, purchase/acquisition, exchange, and sale, whereby a form is automatically sent to the helpdesk for follow-up. This approach provides a streamlined and personalized experience for different user groups within Endo Projects, promoting efficiency and accuracy in the online shopping process.

Revolutionary Customer Service: The Impact of the AI Chatbot at Endo Projects:

Through the implementation of an advanced AI Chatbot, we have not only streamlined customer service but also significantly improved how inquiries and issues are handled.

The AI Chatbot represents a revolutionary approach. Strategically invested as a tailored solution, the Chatbot is designed to proactively address customer queries and provide support. Serving as an advanced virtual assistant, it seamlessly extends the customer service team and delivers immediate responses to a wide range of inquiries.

In practice, the AI Chatbot offers various benefits, including:

AI chatbot

Swift Responses

Customers receive immediate answers to their queries, resulting in a significant reduction in wait times.

24/7 Availability

Pair text with an image to focus on your chosen product, collection, or blog post. Add details on availability, style, or even provide a review.

Multilingual Support

With multilingual capabilities, the Chatbot ensures an inclusive approach where customers can communicate in their preferred language.

Data-Driven Improvements

By analyzing user interactions, the Chatbot provides valuable insights that enable Endo Projects to make continuous improvements and further optimize customer service.

Testimonials from Satisfied Customers

Customers of Endo Projects experience improved interaction and appreciate the speed and accuracy of the AI Chatbot. The responsive nature of the Chatbot has led to increased customer satisfaction and a positive impact on Endo Projects' overall brand reputation.

Congratulations on the revamped site. Very professional and clear! EndoBot works excellently! 👌


Future Expansion of the AI Chatbot

Endo Projects is looking towards the future and planning further expansion of the functionalities of the AI Chatbot. Future developments include integrating more advanced machine learning algorithms and expanding the Chatbot to new communication channels.


The implementation of the AI Chatbot has not only transformed Endo Projects' customer service but has also set a new standard for proactive and efficient customer interactions. Endo Projects' success story highlights the power of AI in optimizing business processes and increasing customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the fact that the website is available in four languages is an additional advantage that emphasizes the inclusivity of their services.